Music Study Program
The Music Study Program was established on April 4 2013 at the Indonesian Art Institute Denpasar.
The Music Study Program offers local-global oriented music development, in accordance with the vision and mission of the institution. In this regard, the Music Study Program also offers mastery of not only musical competencies but also multimedia, computer and digital technology skills, according to the needs of the professional world of work.
The Music Study Program has competent lecturers according to the Group of Expertise. With this group, the development of research in the field of music becomes more focused, as well as offering the development of new issues within the scope of science.
The Music Study Program also collaborates with corporate partners working in the field of music, music maestros, schools and local and national music courses. This collaboration includes internships, independent projects, teaching assistance, entrepreneurship and research in the MBKM program. This activity provides an opportunity for students to develop the knowledge they have acquired professionally in the world of work.
Graduate Prospect
Graduates of the Music Study Program can have careers as Professional Musicians, Educators, Researchers/Assessors/Analysts, music experts and writers/journalists, music coaches, Music Entrepreneurs, music bureaucratic staff.
Click For Curriculum
SEMESTER I (20 Credit Points)
- Religious Education (2)
- History of Tonal Music (2)
- Popular Music Appreciation (2)
- Basic Major Instruments (2)
- Basic Solfegio (2)
- Basic Music Theory and Practice (4)
- Elementary Choir (2)
- Basic Required Piano (2)
- Acoustics and Sound Systems (2)
SEMESTER II (20 Credit Points)
- Citizenship and Anti-Corruption Education (2)
- History of Post-Tonal Music (2)
- Archipelago Music Review (2)
- Advanced Major Instruments (2)
- Advanced Solfegio (2)
- Advanced Music Theory and Practice (4)
- Advanced Chorus (2)
- Advanced Compulsory Piano (2)
- Digital Music Industry and Copyright (2)
SEMESTER III (22 Credit Points)
- Pancasila Education and National Insight (2)
- Methods of Studying and Creating Music (2)
- Orchestration (2)
- Intermediate Major Instruments (2)
- Basic Music Analysis (3)
- Basic Harmonies (4)
- Ensemble (2)
- Songwriting (3)
- Basic Computer Music Apps (2)
SEMESTER IV (22 Credit Points)
- English (2)
- Indonesian (2)
- Arrangement (2)
- Upper Major Instruments (2)
- Advanced Music Analysis (3)
- Advanced Harmonies (4)
- Score Music (2)
- Music Theory and Composition (3)
- Advanced Computer Music Apps (2)
SEMESTER V (20 Credit Points)
MBKM courses
- Hybrid Music (3)
- Western Music Illustration (3)
- Experimental Music (3)
- Nusantara Music Maestro Module (2)
- Vocal Class Method (3)
- Dramatic Music (3)
- Movie Music (3)
10 credits outside the Faculty
10 credits outside the Study Program in the Faculty
SEMESTER VI (20 Credit Points) dan VII (20 Credit Points)
Program MBKM
- Internship/Work Practice
- Teaching Assistant
- Research/Research
- Humanity Project
- Entrepreneurial Activities
Studies/Independent Projects